501(c)3 Status
On May 25, 2022, the US VMYG was granted 501(c)3, nonprofit status by the IRS. This will enable individuals to claim donations to the vintage group or the Model Yachting Center (TMYC) as a tax exemption.
Over the years individuals have graciously gifted to the vintage group. You may now give gifts to either the vintage group or TMYC. Make your donation to The Model Yachting Center by clicking on the “Donate” button below. Make your contribution to the US VMYG here.
Contributions to The Model Yachting Center
Contributions to the US VMYG will be used to offset administrative costs and support the costs associated with our efforts.
These initial funds contributed to TMYC will be used to conduct a feasibility study and to develop ideas and promotional materials for the center. This is necessary startup work. These initial efforts will determine viability, site options, and creative ideas for the activities in the center. An ad hoc committee has been formed to conduct strategic planning, set funding goals, and develop additional short- and long-range plans.
Make your donation to The Model Yachting Center by clicking on the “Donate” button below.
Contributions to the US VMYG
The funds from your support and other sources of income (sales of plans, booklets, and other items) allows us to:
- publish three journals per year without advertising.
- continue to develop and maintain the website with new and historical source materials.
- collect, record, and archive early model yachting items.
- support the club that hosts the national regatta with regatta subsidies.
- provide construction advice.
- provide additional member benefits, such as free copies of back issues of the newsletter/journal.
- assist individuals identify a boat they have.
- accept donations as a 501(c)3 organization.
- support US VMYG events.
- register yachts and maintain class records.
- mail the journal to those who pay for a mailed copy.
- maintain the class rules for six vintage classes.
If you would like to make your donation by check, make your check out to US Vintage Model Yacht Group and add TMYC to the subject line. Your check may be sent to:
Chuck Lage
US Vintage Model Yacht Group
403 Buttonwood Rd
Landenberg, PA 19350
Your donations are being accounted for within the budget of the US VMYG solely for the development of The Model Yachting Center.