
We have hundreds of plans that we will be making available for purchase, so please check back if you don’t see what you are looking for today.

Ready to get started?

Most plans are provided in single sheet PDF format. Some are JPG format. Multi-sheet plans will be provided with separate download links for each sheet.

  1. Select a class from the list on the right to see all the model yacht plans available in that class. Each plan will be listed with the boat name and a short description.
  2. Click on the product thumbnail to see a larger preview of the plan.
  3. Click the “Add to Cart” button for plans you would like to purchase. Your selection will appear in the shopping cart on the right hand side of the page.
  4. Click the “Checkout with PayPal” button in the shopping cart.
  5. You will be redirected to PayPal’s site to complete your purchase.
  6. Once payment is complete you will receive an email receipt with link(s) to retrieve your purchased plans. Download links will be valid for 24 hours from the time of your purchase.
  7. Copy the PDF to a CD or a flash drive.
  8. Take it to Staples, or your local equivalent, and get a full-size print.