More on Prospero

by Earl Boebert, Russell Potts, Art Holzman

This article was reprinted in The Model Yacht, Vol 13 No 3, Winter 2009/2010.

As is so often the case, once we run an article on a boat (Prospero, Vol. 13 No. 2) we get a response from our readers, and the Prospero article in our last issue was no exception. Here are extracts from some emails from Russell Potts:

Member Art Holzman has been building one, in one of those long projects that involve periods of storage as other matters arise. Art notes that there is a dimensioning error on the sail plan; the leech of the staysail should be 29 1⁄2 inches instead of 24 1⁄2. The photographs show Art’s boat, the keel extension he has made, and the nifty vangs he’s put on the two booms.